Gleam Team – Kent’s Block Paving Cleaning,Sanding & Sealing Specialists
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Block Paving Sand
Gleam Team are the best value for money block paving,patio and driveway cleaners in Maidstone with cleaning prices from £2.50 per square metre and cleaning,sanding and sealing block paving from only £3.50 per square metre.
The 2-5mm gaps between individual blocks are known as joints and they are filled using a specially selected sand called Kiln Dried Block Paving Sand. This creates frictional interlock which in effect grips the blocks together and transfers weight from one block to its adjacent blocks and on to the next and so on across the entire surface.
Blocks are made of concrete or clay and a single block taken in isolation could not possibly hope to withstand the massive weight of vehicles driving across it or parking on it for long periods. However,the friction created by the use of block paving sand ensures the weight is spread evenly across the whole surface,therefore making the blocks collectively very strong indeed and able to take the weight of the heaviest vehicles. Without it paving would eventually collapse and crumble so is essential for the integrity of all block paving whether made of concrete or clay.
Kiln dried sand is heated in a kiln to high temperatures to remove moisture and creating a fine,clean,dry sand that flows easily across paving and into the joints. It typically costs approximately £6 per 25kg bag and this covers about 15 square metres of paving.
Over time sand will be lost from natural erosion and particularly after cleaning with a pressure washer joints will need to be re-sanded and filled. To apply it is simply poured onto a dry surface and gently swept across it allowing gravity to take over as it falls into the joints until full. Excess sand is swept off and removed from the surface prior to sealing.
Untreated block paving sand needs to be sealed in or stabilised in some other way in order to stop it being removed by the wind or washed away by heavy rain. Resiblock are Europe’s leading manufacturer of sealants and stabilising products and have a range of products to deal with this including self binding jointing sand and a variety of sealants.
In addition there are weed inhibiting polymeric paving fillers that provide an elasticated filling material that cures on contact with water such as Dansand No Weed Polymeric Block Paving Joint Fix
This costs around £21 per 20 kg bag.
For more information on block paving cleaning,re-sanding and sealing,or any of our Exterior Cleaning Services please call 07581 681994 or 0800 999 5363 or online with our Contact Us form.
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